The F.U.N. Place Recipe Box Archives

Cream of Tartar Play Dough

what you will need is a big saucepan, add to it:
cook it over a low heat until cooked into a thick ball that isn't sticky to the touch, beware that you might need the help of several stirrers as it can get very tiring. Then you take it off the heat and let it cool,tho dont let it dry out.

turn it out onto a board and kneed it till soft and pliable. Divide it into equal portions ( I made 4 ) and add coloring, I used red, green, blue and yellow. Add as much color as you desire, a little at first and add more for preference.

You can keep the cooked playdough for 4 weeks, store it in the fridge in an airtight container when not in use.

Posted by HoneyBee on December 18, 1998

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